29 October, 2012

Obama Returns To Washington To Brief Nation - Twice

This appears in the New York Post -
"Obama, mindful of his need to show command in crisis while in the final throes of a tough re-election campaign, met with federal emergency officials Sunday before flying to Florida that night ahead of a rally scheduled for Monday at noon. But the intensifying storm heading to the East Coast took priority, with the president signing emergency declarations for New England states in the middle of the night from his Orlando hotel room."

Interesting. He flew to Florida Sunday evening after a briefing by federal emergency officals. Then this morning he again flew back to the White House to hold a presser in which he assures the nation that he is on the job and more concerned about the citizens and not the campaign. Hmm. What changed between his meetings Sunday and his decision to return to Washington on Monday morning? Maybe he was concerned that something might surface on YouTube?


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