06 November, 2006

The Revolution will be Philosophic

The Rule of Reason :: Weblog of the Center for the Advancement of Capitalism:
"I wrote this article in 2004 after the presidential election. It applies today just as much as it did then.

There are two competing theories of morality that dominate America today. The moral code that dominates the left is one of subjectivism. According to the left, no lifestyle (and no country) is better or worse than any other; there is no absolute right or wrong, save for one-the American people must defer their interests to the considerations and interests of others.

Contrast the left's view with the religious code that dominates the right. Under this morality, the subjectivism of the left is repudiated and replaced with the certainty that comes from mysticism and adherence to God's revealed word. Under this view, the American people must defer their interests to the considerations and interests of the Judeo-Christian God."


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